WIP Ltd is owned by Hungarian individuals based in Budapest.
We have a history of more than 20 years in the field of medical devices and analytical products for pharmaceutical market with import-export experiences. Now we are exclusive distributor for Radiometer Analytical products and Alere EPOC blood gas analyzers in Hungary.
Our business is constantly evolving. From the year of 2013- we operate a webshop dealing with medical and consumer electronics products of iHealth for smartphones.
If you intend to introduce your product or service to the Hungarian market and you are looking for a team don't hesitate to contact us by phone or email.
Address: 1141 BUDAPEST, Jeszenák János utca 96., Hungary
Email: info@wip.hu
VAT: HU10382295
Registration Nr: 01-09-067687
Bankaccount: HU98-10102237-31656005-00000004, swift/bic: BUDAHUHB
Manager: Zsolt Vichnalek